The TWINFUSYON project represents a significant effort aimed at convergence in quality of scientific research between low performing EU Member States and their internationally leading counterparts.
The most important impact of TWINFUSYON is a significant improvement in scientific excellence and innovation capacity of the CEITEC MU in the key scientific areas by:
- Strengthening individual capacity development at graduate/ postgraduate/young researcher level, promoting education and training in materials, fabrication processes, tools and concepts basing optronic biosensing;
- Strengthening institutional CEITEC capacity in development of research, creating better synergy among internal resources and RPs;
- Strengthening Regional/National capacity of CEITEC to develop policies and strategies for both research coordination/administration of national resources for research, demonstrating enhanced quality of the research outputs, e.g. in optronic biosensing applicative fields;
- Strengthening CEITEC international capacity to participate/attract more funding projects, increasing partnerships and collaboration with universities, research institutions, think tanks and private sector stakeholders.
The key scientific outcomes of the TWINFUSYON project will be:
- New knowledge, implemented technologies, concepts foroptimisation of 2D and plasmonic materials and heterostructures for the specific biosensing functionality;
- Predictive models; design rules; uptake of best-practices in characterisation;
- New concepts ofoptronic biosensors design;
- Better professionalism for staff members and young scientists in the field;
- Possible patent applications, technologically transferable concepts for novel materials and bisoensors;
- High-quality scientific publications.
TWINFUSYON and the Society
Environmental impact: By developing concepts for devices for a faster and more reliable environmental monitoring/sensing, e.g. pesticides in water and in air, it will contribute to the sustainability of optronics and biosensing industries by reducing its environmental impact.
Societal impact: By enhancing capacity of research and creating new professional profiles, TWINFUSYON will boost various “green” jobs in both the public and private sector, which will strengthen the regional, national, as well as European economy and contribute to the wellbeing of its citizens.
Quality of life, health and safety impact: The primary contribution to improving the quality of life, health and safety of the population will be in the enhancement of knowledge on concepts and tools that will allow to realise novel and more sensitive and selective biosensors that will be applicable to food, environmental monitoring, security (bio-attacks) etc.
Publications co-authored by TWINFUSYON partners:
Collar, K; Li, J; Jiao, W; Guan, Y; Losurdo, M; Humlicek, J; Brown, AS, 2017: Determination of the impact of Bi content on the valence band energy of GaAsBi using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. AIP ADVANCES 7(7), doi: 10.1063/1.4986751
Dubroka, A; Caha, O; Hroncek, M; Fris, P; Orlita, M; Holy, V; Steiner, H; Bauer, G; Springholz, G; Humlicek, J, 2017: Interband absorption edge in the topological insulators Bi-2(Te1-xSex)(3). PHYSICAL REVIEW B 96(23), doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.96.235202 (FTIR, RIGAKU9, WOOLLAM-MIR, WOOLLAM-VIS)
Martinez, G; Piot, BA; Hakl, M; Potemski, M; Hor, YS; Materna, A; Strzelecka, SG; Hruban, A; Caha, O; Novak, J; Dubroka, A; Drasar, C; Orlita, M, 2017: Determination of the energy band gap of Bi2Se3. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 7, doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-07211-x
Hakl, M; Tchoumakov, S; Crassee, I; Akrap, A; Piot, BA; Faugeras, C; Martinez, G; Nateprov, A; Arushanov, E; Teppe, F; Sankar, R; Lee, WL; Debray, J; Caha, O; Novak, J; Goerbig, MO; Potemski, M; Orlita, M, 2018: Energy scale of Dirac electrons in Cd3As2. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 97(11), doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.97.115206
Crassee, I; Martino, E; Homes, CC; Caha, O; Novak, J; Tuckmantel, P; Hakl, M; Nateprov, A; Arushanov, E; Gibson, QD; Cava, RJ; Koohpayeh, SM; Arpino, KE; McQueen, TM; Orlita, M; Akrap, A, 2018: Nonuniform carrier density in Cd3As2 evidenced by optical spectroscopy. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 97(12), doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.97.125204
![]() | This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 692034. Disclaimer: This website and included materials reflect only the author’s view and the Research Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains. |