Research Areas
The TWINFUSYON project focuses on the most advanced topics of optronic biosensing, nanomaterials, 2D-TMD-materials, nanotechnologies, plasmonics, characterisations, optical spectroscopies, chemistry of surfaces, biophysics, bio-functionalisation.
In this area, the TWINFUSYON team seeks to:
- Enhance knowledge on fundamental aspects 2D-TMD materials based heterostructures, including graphene, MoS2, MoSe2, WS2, WO2, GaS2, and their heterostructures;
- Improve fundamental knowledge and know-how in plasmonic systems with plasmon resonance spanning from the UV to VIS to NIR through appropriate combination of metals and semiconductors;
- Address plasmonic theory and modelling;
- Acquire best-practices in biofunctionalisation of surfaces;
- Implement the portfolio of analytical strategies;
- Identificatify measurements and diagnostic configurations that results in increased sensitivity to selected analytes;
- Reinforce predictive modelling and statistical analysis and image processing tools for biosensing;
- Explore different complementary approaches and to develop optronic biosensing schemes and concepts for a variety of applications through cooperation with industries;
- Transform the acquired know-how in novel exploitable optronic biosensors layout.
![]() | This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 692034. Disclaimer: This website and included materials reflect only the author’s view and the Research Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains. |